Friday, December 16, 2011

My Love and Hate Relationship with NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil - how to stop the creasing

I'm sure everyone knows about these awesome pencils. They are cute, inexpensive and has a HUGE colour range. But... (yes, there's always a but with things that sounds too good to be true) these eye-shadows creases like CRAZY!!

NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil

When I first got them I was soooooooooooo excited because I thought their colours just looked awesome. But after wearing it for the first time, my lids started to crease within 30 min. And to make things worse they made my eyelid tapes slide out of place causing both my lids go sticky and patchy. >_< not a pretty sight at all!!

NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil

Over the time I've tried Googling and asking beauty gurus on youtube if they have the same problem as me, and all the replies and answers I get are either "eye primer is your solution ^_^" or "use a thinner layer". So I tried using Urban Decay Primer Potion, I've tried Too Faced Shadow Insurance and Mac Paint Pot... but still... none of them worked for me. :( 

What to do?? What to do?? So I gave up on these things for a while. I had all these lovely colours sitting here collecting dust and waiting to get expired... But then... something happened!!

Wall-E came to save the day!!!

Hehe... well... not really Wall-E. It's more like what he's holding. The NYX Ultra Pearl Mania!!

NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil

I've stumbled upon a really beautiful Youtube guru called Oiseau88, and she used both of these products together in a couple of her tutorials. She fully dazzled me in her videos and I decided to give the NYX loose shadows a go.

The results turned out to be truly amazing!! Setting the Jumbo Eye Pencil with the NYX Pearl Mania stopped my lids from creasing ALMOST all day lol (it was a very long day). And my eyelid tapes did not budge either so there was no sticky and patchy problem. So if you have super oily lids like me you might find this works for you too. I really hope it does. :)

Thanks for your help Oiseau88!!

NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil

Now my next problem is what other colours to get :p

I need a bigger collection than this.

Wall-E got a bit exited with his first hand shake. ^_^

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Year, New Blog :)

Hi everyone. Nice to meet you call. I'm a newbie to the blogosphere, please help me out if I'm doing anything wrong.

Why did I start this blog?
I've been reading a lot of other people's blogs and I find them so very helpful, so I hope I can contribute some of my opinions and hopefully one day I can help others too.

What's this blog about?
It  will be mostly about things I love like cosmetics and beauty. I'll review products I've tried and post up pics. What ever reviews I have will be my 100% honest opinion. I might also post things about my daily life. I believe every memory with your love ones are golden, and they should all be recorded and cherished.

Once again, nice to meet your all!!

Have a happy and safe holiday everyone!! <3

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